Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Law of Solid Ground: How Leaders Gain Trust (Galatians 2:1-10)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

It seems Paul constantly had to defend his leadership with some churches. He felt compelled to proclaim his trustworthiness with the churches in both Corinth and Galatia. He earned their trust by ...
  1. Investing his time in learning from God (v.1).
  2. Associating with a trusted leader (v.1).
  3. Submitting to respected leaders and sharing his journey (v.2).
  4. Asserting that even the leaders didn't correct his team (vv.3,6).
  5. Standing up to those who opposes God's truth (vv.4,5).
  6. Putting no confidence in people's infallibility, but trusting in God (v.6).
  7. Affirming that even the leaders fully endorse him (vv.7,9).
  8. Cooperating with the present leaders and honoring their requests (v.10).

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