Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Law of Intuition: Jesus Discerned the Real Issue Was Surrender (Luke 20:19-26)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

One day the scribes sent spies to trap Jesus, asking about whether it was right to pay taxes to Caesar. They knew that if He said yes, they could label hm a traitor. If He said no, they could report hm to the Roman authorities. They thought they had a perfect plan to silence this radical leader.

In a classic reversal, Jesus turned the tables on them. Because He practiced the Law of Intuition, He was able to see past the facade they had erected. Taxes weren't the issue; surrender was the issue. So Jesus answered their question with a another question. Whose image was on the coin they showed Him? He meant that any object stamped with a person's image belongs to the individual pictured. This coin carried Caesar's image, so they were to surrender that coin to Caesar: On the other hand, God had stamped His image on them! They had been made in His image and should therefore surrender themselves to God.

What a memorable lesson! No wonder they became silent. This intuitive Leader answered their question by quickly getting to the real issue.

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