Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Law of Priorities: Jesus Clarifies Priority One for Martha (Luke 10:38-42)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

When Martha became preoccupied with impressing her guests, Jesus clarified for her the most important activity. Jesus revealed to her that only "one thing is needed" (Luke 10:42). All through His ministry, Jesus helped people get clarity on the important things. It's the job of the leader.


This is very true whether it is in our working life, our personal life, our family life and in the way we manage our finances. We always want things which would made us look and feel good (wants - to impress others) and not doing what is important or really necessary (needs).

Instant gratification is what the world is promoting every day - you have arrived, the advertisements announced. So, we go get a new house (more expensive and also bigger than we need), go order a new car (more expensive and bigger than we need), prefers dining out in posh dining outlets (feel that the food "tastes better" in these places, than what goes into our body and what it really needs to keep us going healthily each day), new club memberships (not sure whether we used it - many live in condominiums these days, don't they and how often we used the facilities too?), etc.

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