Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Team Building: Jesus Assembled a Team to Own a Vision (Mark 2:14-17)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

One could argue that Jesus constructed the most important team ever assembled. He chose specific individuals for specific roles. He chose the unlikely and developed them to reach their potential. And he chose an odd player - Matthew - to add to the mix.

Matthew was a hated tax collector, despised because he and his ilk seized money for the Roman government - traitors in the eyes of the Israelites. Jesus had the spiritual insight to choose those who were unloved and showed little promise. He saw Matthew's potential to become an apostle and a writer. Jesus never felt bound by human opinion or approval. He didn't judge by externals. He treated individuals based on their future potential, not present status.

In the same way, we must free ourselves from the boundaries that keep us from building a balanced team. Consider some questions we might learn from Jesus:

1. What positive qualities exist that may be seen as negative behavior?
2. Do the individuals show initiative, even if it has been misdirected?
3. Would these people add positive chemistry and unique value if placed on the team?
4. Are they hungry to become something more that what they are now?
5. Do they demonstrate passion that could be redirected?
6. Could they play a needed role on the team?

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