Monday, July 16, 2007

SIMON PETER: Privileged to See What Most Others Couldn't (Mark 5:35-43)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

As one of Jesus' most beloved and privileged leaders, the apostle Peter saw some astonishing things, things that others - not even most of the other twelve - ever had a chance to witness.

Mark records how Jesus allowed no one to follow Him to the home of Jairus, a synagogue ruler whose daughter had just died from an illness, except Peter and the brothers James and John. For a reason not clearly spelled out in the Scripture, Jesus wanted only these three leaders with Him when He performed one of His most amazing miracles.

No one could see what Peter saw that day without coming away profoundly changed and inspired. Peter had witnessed Jesus cast out demons and perform miracles of healing, and he had heard HIm teach with God-given authority. But on this remarkable day, Jesus gave Peter the privilege of seeing how He held power over life and death itself.

All who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for their salvation have access to Him at any time. But at special times, Jesus specifically calls his leaders - those with a unique call of service in ministry - to see and hear special things, things they alone have the privilege to witness. It is a special trust with unique responsibilities.

1 comment:

prayhope said...

Welcome back to the blog....
How was the trip to Perth?
Your girls settled down?
Coming back means some things are waiting for your follow-up...
Like the financial assistance guidelines and the PPRSC manual...