Thursday, July 26, 2007

Mentoring: Jesus Spent the Majority of His Time with Twelve, Not Twelve Hundred (Luke 6:12-19)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

In less than one generation, the disciples of Jesus progressed from ignorant laborers to bold spiritual leaders in now is what the largest organization in the world. How could this transformation occur?

It happened because Jesus spent the bulk of His time with them. The Son of God invested the majority of His time with twelve, not twelve hundred. Jesus practised the axiom: More time with less people equals greater kingdom impact.

Like all good mentors, Jesus provided:

1. Handles: He simplified truth into something his men could grasp, practice, and pass on to others. He took complex theology and made it usable.

2. Roadmaps: Roadmaps give you the big picture; they reveal where you are; they show you what roads to take; and they tell you what roads to avoid. Jesus did this consistently with the Twelve.

3. Laboratories: Labs are safe places for experimentation. Jesus didn't just lecture. He provided labs for His disciples to practiced what they learned.

4. Roots: Jesus gave His followers a firm foundation and a sense of heritage. They sunk their roots into solid ground and were willing to die for Him and His teaching.

5. Wings: Jesus empowered His men to soar beyond where He went Himself (John 14:12). He pushed them and cheered them on in their victories.

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