Monday, July 2, 2007

The Law of Priorities: Jesus Didn't Let Others Dictate His Agenda (Mark 1:32-38)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Jesus often left the demands of His work to come apart and pray. He used this solitude to regain perspective and once more see the big picture. Watch the sequence of events detailed in this passage:

1. The pressure is on. The day is over but the crowds have just begun to make demands (vv. 32-34).
2. The paradox is obvious. Jesus left in the middle of ministry time, with needs unmet (v. 35).
3. The point is clear. Jesus had to pause, leave the people, and replenish His own life (v. 35).
4. The people are demanding. Followers hunted for Jesus, reminding Him how much they needed Him (vv. 36, 37).
5. The purpose is declared. His Father renewed His perspective and given direction (v. 38).

Jesus' priorities came from his heavenly Father, not from people. He always used the priorities He established to serve the people. So, how do you determine your daily priorities?

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