Sunday, July 29, 2007

Commitment: Solve Our Problems but Save Our Pigs (Luke 8:26-37)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Jesus once met a man controlled by a legion of demons. The poor man had lost control and had to be chained and kept under guard. When Jesus cast the offending demons into some nearby pigs, the man instantly grew calm and whole.

Inronically, when the area's residents took one look at the man, they asked Jesus to depart. No dount they felt pleased to see this man healed - but not at the expense of their livestock! They feared the demon-possessed man, but they feared even more a Jesus who took complete control over the situation. It's important to remember in any conflict: Jesus doesn't want to take sides; He wants to take over!

Often we resemble the Gadarenes, those who wanted Jesus to solve their problems but save their pigs. "We don't want to upset things or get radical," we say. "We want change .... as long as it doesn't change us." But this is not Jesus' way.

Note several lessons this passage teaches us about leadership:

1. Leadership means discomfort.
If you're going to be an effective leader; you must live outside of your comfort zone.

2. Leadership means dissatisfaction.
God uses dissatisfaction as a tool to move us to greater things and higher ground.

3. Leadership means disruption.
The status quo is never the goal of a leader: Disruption is our constant companion.

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