Thursday, June 28, 2007

21 LAWS: JESUS AND THE LAW OF LEGACY - A Leader's Lasting Value Is Measured by Succession (Matt. 28:16-20) (Last Part)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Jesus' IDEA for Leaving a Legacy

Jesus faced the task of changing the lives of people thousands of years after Him - and he succeeded. He did it without writing any books, building any schools, or founding any institutions. So if Jesus chose to deposit His legacy in people, we should learn His method and practice it as best we can. Consider Jesus' IDEA for working in the lives of people:


Jesus constantly taught, most often with parables. More than half of the Gospels' content presents Jesus' teaching. The parable of the sower gives us insight into how Jesus worked. When the disciples asked Him about the meaning of the parable, He explained it, revealing insightful truth cloaked in the story.


Educational philosophy today relies too heavily on instruction. If Jesus had taught the disciples and done nothing more, they never would have carried on His legacy. But Jesus shared His life with them. Jesus' disciples went through three phases in their training:
  • Come and see. Jesus invited them to observe Him and His priorities. He invited them to evaluate Him (and themselves in light of what He was doing).
  • Come and follow Me. Jesus asked for a greater level of commitment. The disciples were to do more than observe; they were to associate with Him.
  • Come and be with Me. This phase occupied most of Jesus' three years of ministry. He required the disciples' commitment and companionship. The Twelve were present with Him as He taught, traveled, prayed, ate with "sinners," healed the sick, and raised the dead. They saw consistency between His teaching and His actions, and they learned the how and why of all He did.


After Jesus had modeled good leadership and taught spiritual truths, He didn't turned His men loose and move on. He gradually worked them into positions of independent leadership by giving them valuable experience. Jesus gave His followers an opportunity to practice what He had taught and to practice leadership.


Jesus repeatedly evaluated the progress of His disciples. After the return of the seventy, He debriefed them (Luke 10:17-24). Jesus also gave individual assessment to His disciples, including specific feedback concerning their character and their capabilities.

If you want to leave a legacy, you must look to people to carry it for you. Find the right people, and use the right preparation process for each of them. Only as you pour yourself into them will they be able to pour out themselves for others. No one can give what he does not have.

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