Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Law of Priorities: Paul Narrowed His Activities (Philippians 3:7-14)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Paul openly communicated his priorities. All the trophies and culture of his past he counted as rubbish, in order to gain Christ. He wanted to know Christ, experience His power, share in and complete His sufferings, and ultimately be conformed to His death (Phil. 3:10,11). He did all of this for the purpose of attaining the resurrection.

Here is a man on a mission. Paul narrowed his wedge and his focus to the essentials. What was his secret?

1. He discerned what hindered him (vv. 7,8).
Paul had to let go of all the things he once cherished, considering them distractions to grace.

2. He discovered what he wanted (vv. 9-11).
Paul wanted God's righteousness, not his own. Christ became his solitary pursuit.

3. He determined how to get it (vv. 12-14).
With single-minded passion, Paul forgot the past and pursued the prize of his call.

How about you? Have you narrowed your focus? What is your "one thing"? Can you list your priorities on one hand? What are you pursuing?

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