Friday, September 7, 2007

Self-Discipline: The Battle Begins in the Mind (Colossians 3:1-14)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

The battle begins in the mind. Paul argues that since we have a new position, we need to get a new perspective (Col. 3:1). Permanent change and improvement always happen from the inside out. Consider Paul's prescription for self-discipline:

1. Remember your identity (v. 1).
We must focus first on our position in Christ. It all starts there.

2. Renew your thought life (v. 2).
We must focus our minds on things above. We must raise new internal standards.

3. Recognize your old life is dead (vv, 3-7).
Change doesn't happen if we maintain any way to return to old patterns.

4. Release past habits (vv. 8-11).
We must put off the old, like taking off a worn-out set of clothes.

5. Replace them with new ones (vv. 12-14).
We get rid of old habits only when we substitute new habits for them.

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