Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Leaders and Their Gethsemanes (Luke 22:39-46)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

At times all leaders feel alone, as when they pioneer new territory. Jesus endured one of His loneliest times in the Garden of Gethsemane. Just hours before He would be tried, tortured, and crucified, every one of His team deserted Him. His story in the garden provides us with one of the greatest examples in history of a leader's commitment.

Every leader who does something significant for God experiences a Gethsemane. What can we learn about this lonely season? Gethsemane is the place where ....
  1. spiritual battles occur (vv. 40-44).
  2. loneliness is felt (v. 41).
  3. honesty is expressed (vv. 41,42).
  4. submission is required (v. 42).
  5. strength is received (v. 43).

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