Friday, August 31, 2007

EPAPHRODITUS: A Leader Who Didn't Make A Name For Himself (Philippians 2:25-30)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Several leaders in the Bible qualify as "nobodies". They never became famous, like Moses or David or Paul, but remained obscure, even though they played a vital role in the kingdom. Epaphroditus was such a man.

Epaphroditus is mentioned only in Philippians. No books were ever written about him, to him, or by him. We know of no statues or memorials erected to him. He was a "nobody" who became a "somebody" to Paul. He ran all the way from Philippi to Rome to join Paul in prison and minister to him. He also carried this letter back home to the Philippians. Note how Paul describes him:

1. A People Lover
Paul calls him a minister. He feels distressed that the Philippians might worry about him when he became sick (vv. 25,26).

2. A Risk Taker
Paul calls him a fellow soldier. He keeps on risking his life when most would have pampered themselves (vv. 25,30).

3. A Tireless Worker
Paul calls him a fellow worker. We know little about his illness, except that it was tied to his hard work (vv. 25,27).

4. A Servant-Leader
Paul calls him a messenger. Paul tells the church to give him a hero's welcome (vv. 25,29). He both led and served as he became a spokesman for the church.

The Law of Sacrifice: Jesus' Six Steps of Servanthood

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Paul used Jesus as the ultimate example of servant leadership. After urging his audience to humble themselves and live selflessly (Phil. 2:2-4), he reminds them of Christ's incarnation. Here the Ultimate Leader made the ultimate sacrifice. He left the glories of heaven and the highest position in heaven, not only to join His creation, but to take on the lowest form of the creation.

Jesus stepped through six levels as He moved downward toward us. In His leadership, He practiced the Law of Sacrifice:

Level One: He gave up His divine form (v. 8).
Level Two: He emptied Himself of any rights (v. 7).
Level Three: He became a man (v. 7).
Level Four: He became a servant (v. 7).
Level Five: He was obedient to the point of death (v. 8).
Level Six: He died a terrible kind of death (v. 8).

Positive Attitude: Paul's Attitude Determined His Altitude (Philippians 1:12-18)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

A personal sense of purpose works in two ways. First, we work on it. Then, it works on us.

Once Paul had determined his life mission, that purpose daily improved his attitude. In prisons, shipwrecks, beatings, through trials and debates, Paul kept on smiling because of his strong sense and purpose. He understood that leaders can either surrender to their circumstances, or they can surrender to a cause that is so great, their circumstances won't matter.

When we surrender to our circumstances, we have good days and bad days. We are at the mercy of what happens to us. When we surrender to a cause or purpose, we have good days wherever we go; the purpose never dies. Paul's attitude helped his purpose go forward, then his purpose helped his attitude go forward! His attitude helped him conclude that it didn't matter what happened to him or others - as long as the mission continued.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Purpose: Paul Stayed on Mission, Even in Prison (Philippians 1:12-18)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Paul might have been forgiven had he chosen to take a little sabbatical as he sat in prison, awaiting his trial. Yet he used even this opportunity to advance the gospel (Phil. 1:12).

Paul was a leader who never drifted from his mission. He determined to leave his mark wherever he went. George Washington Carver wrote, "No individual has any right to come into the world and go out of it without leaving behind him distinct and legitimate reasons for having passed through it."

How did Paul's sense of purpose keep him in the battle as he sat in prison? What did he learn behind bars? Consider the following:
  1. A purpose will motivate you.
  2. A purpose will keep your priorities straight.
  3. A purpose will develop your potential.
  4. A purpose will give you power to live in the present.
  5. A purpose will help you to evaluate your progress.

Encouragement: Leaders Connect When They Encourage (Philippians 1:3-11)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Paul never issues some worn-out, generic brand of encouragement. His words speak to specific needs, express specific love for particular people, and communicate a specific hope for their future. Encouragement ought to be given sincerely, personally, specifically, publicly, and frequently.

PHILIPPIANS: Lessons in Leadership

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Lessons in Leadership
  • Leaders either surrender to a cause or they surrender to their circumstances.
  • Only secure leaders will stoop and stretch.
  • A leader's attitude at the beginning of a task will affect its outcome more than anything else.
  • Leaders can do anything, they they can't do everything.
  • One cannot be a great leader without being a great servant.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Law of Intuition: Paul Understood How to Defeat the Enemy (Ephesians 6:10-20)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Like any good leader, Paul issues a warning at the end of of his letter about the tough times his people will face. They are up against Satan himself (Eph. 6:12), an enemy who will do everything to stop their progress.

Instead about moping about the situation, however, Paul lays out a specific plan for his Ephesian friends. They are not to approach this fight in their own strength, but remember that only God can defeat the enemy (6:10). As a Warrior, God fills a role His people desperately need. He serves as their Protector, Defender, Deliverer, Provider, and Guide. God gives his army every supply needed to win.

Paul then instructs his readers to put on the whole armour of God, in order to stand and prevail (6:11-17). Serving as an officer under God, Paul issues the orders for the troops. When leaders practice the Law of Intuition, they provide their people with ...

1. A strategy to win (vv. 11,12).
2. Knowledge of the opposition (v. 12).
3. The resources they need (v. 13).
4. A plan for how to use them (vv. 14-17).
5. Detailed communication (vv. 14-20)

Work Ethic: You're Not Working for People (Ephesians 6:5-9)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

The principles Paul taught to owners and slaves apply today to employees and employers. He twice states the important principle: We are not to be people pleasers (Eph. 6:6). We aren't to work while others watch, then slack off when alone. We are to render service as though we are working for God, who watches at all times (6:7). Not only does God watch, but He rewards anything good we do (6:8).

People may forget how fast you did your last job, but they will remember how well you did it. Ultimately, we all work for ourselves and for God.

Leadership in the Home (Ephesians 5:21-33)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Contrary to what many teach, leadership in the home is not about power or control. Paul asks for mutual submission (Eph. 5:21) and calls husbands to be Christ-figures (5:23-25). And how did Christ lead the church? He provided, taught, wept, healed, and died on a cross. Spiritual leadership means giving up yourself for someone else (5:25). It means assuming responsibility for the health and development of your relationships. Evaluate your home leadership in each of the following categories:

1. Initiative
Do I give direction and take responsibility for my primary relationships?

2. Intimacy
Do I experience intimacy with God and others through open conversation?

3. Influence
Do I experience biblical influence by encouraging and developing others?

4. Integrity
Do I lead an honest life, unashamed of who I am when no one is looking?

5. Identity
Am I secure in who I am in Christ? Or am I defensive?

6. Inner Character
Do I exhibit the fruit of the Spirit in my life, including self-discipline?

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Law of Priorities: Redeem Your Time (Ephesians 5:15-17)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Because activity is not necessarily accomplishment, Paul advises us to: analyze our lifestyles (Eph. 5:15); utilize the present (5:16); and prioritize what is important (5:17). While every leader, every day, gets the same amount of time, not every leader gets the same results.

Equipping: The Leader's Job (Ephesians 4:12-16)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Equipping is a tough job, much harder than shepherding. The leader is to equip others for ministry. Paul explains the goal for the shepherd (Eph. 4:12) and the goal of the sheep (4:13), then describes the result (4:14-16).

If leaders wish to equip their people, they must give them certain gifts:

1. I must CARE for them (Communication, Affirmation, Recognition, and Example).
2. I must work on their weaknesses, but work out their strengths.
3. I must give them myself (time, energy, and focus).
4. I must give them ownership of the ministry.
5. I must become a resource person (atmosphere, training, support, tools).
6. I must make expectations clear.
7. I must eliminate unnecessary burdens.
8. I must catch them doing something good, then reward them.

Five Leadership Roles in the Church (Ephesians 4:11-16)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

God gave at least five types of leaders to the church: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. They exist to complete the member's growth and to equip them to serve (Eph. 4:12-16). Their roles vary:

1. Apostle: One sent forth to pioneer and establish new works and new leaders.
2. Prophet: One who speaks forth God's Word to inspire, correct, and motivate.
3. Evangelist: One who shares Christ with outsiders and trains others to do so.
4. Pastor: One who shepherds, guides, and guards God's people as they serve.
5. Teacher: One who trains God's peoplein the truth and teaches others to do so.

When the church fills these five offices, ordinary people get equipped for ministry. Ask yourself the following questions:

1. What eternally significant growth occurs in the lives of those I lead (vv. 11-13)?
2. Do our people understand that my role is to equip them to serve (v. 12)?
3. How are our followers serving and ministering (v. 12)?
4. Do our people know that involvement in service is essential to growth (v. 12)?
5. Do our people grow spiritually mature as a result of their ministry involvement (v. 13)?
6. Do our people's lifestyle reflect Christ's character (v. 13)?
7. What percentage of our people's faith and involvement is easily shaken (v. 14)?
8. Do our people build up one another (vv. 15,16)?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Team Building: Paul Builds Unity Amidst Diversity (Ephesians 4:1-8)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

The apostle Paul labored to foster unity amidst a diverse population - in others words, he worked at team building.

He reminds the Ephesians of the attitude of the individual players (Eph. 4:1-3), then discusses the attitude of the corporate body (3:4-6). Paul insists there is one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father. He says each player has been given some grace and some gifts. He calls the church a temple, a bride, a mystery, an army, and a body.

Think of Paul as a coach, building his team. How do we build a diverse group into a unified team? Ask the following questions:

1. Am I building people, or building a kingdom and using people?
2. Do I care enough to confront people when it will make a difference?
3. Am I listening with more of my ears?
4. Am I asking the right questions to develop the right relationships?
5. What are the major strengths of each individual?
6. Have I placed a high priority on their job?
7. Have I shown the value they will receive from this work?
8. Are their goals compatible with mine?

Passion: Paul TeachesThem to Take This Life and Love it (Ephesians 3:14-21)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Paul prays passionately that his readers comprehend the love of God (Eph. 3:14,18), experience the love of Christ (3:19), and be filled with God (3:19). Then he declares God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we ask or think (3:20)! Passion is the first step to achievement.

PAUL AND TIMOTHY: A Model For Equipping (Ephesians 3:1-7)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

By themselves, not even the best accountants or financial advisers can create wealth for their clients. All they can do is give advice concerning the accumulation of financial reserves. The rest is up to the recipients of that advice.

The same is true for leaders who wish to see others access the riches of heaven. The lives and ministries of the apostle Paul and Timothy - the young leader of the church at Ephesus - demonstrate this principle.

On their own, neither Paul nor Timothycould equip the Ephesians to please God. But they knew how to direct their charges to the ultimate source of ultimate power; the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

Paul exhorts the Ephesian Christians to take full advantage of all the resources and power God has made available to them. The apostle knows that all believers have at their disposal immeasurable wealth and power; infinite resources sufficient to equip every believer for the sipiritual fight ahead.

Godly leaders have at their disposal the same kind of power Paul describes here. Leaders are responsible to direct other believers to the place where they can be enriched and equipped so they can serve God and do battle for the kingdom.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Equipping: Paul Gives the Tools to Do the Job (Ephesians 2:8-22)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Paul provides some tools for his readers to live in the way God intends for them to live. He informs them they are saved by grace (Eph. 2:8,9) and created to do good works (2:10). Then he equips them for these works with divine tools, explaining how they have been delivered from darkness and transformed into new persons (2:14-16) and a new building (2:29-22).

Paul labored hard to unleash the church and prepare its members for service. If we pursue the same goal, we must embrace the following assumptions:

1. Everyone wants to feel worthwhile.
2. Everyone needs and responds to encouragement.
3. People buy into the leader before they buy into the plan.
4. Most people don't know how ro be successful.
5. People are naturally motivated.
6. Most people will move once they receive permission and equipping.

Communicating Vision: Paul Remembers Who They Were and Are (Ephesians 2:1-10)

Extracted from the Maxwell Leadership Bible

Paul took time to reflect on our past failures and God's present redemption. He insists that God not only raised Jesus up and sat Him in heavenly places above all authority (Eph. 2:20,21), but He did the same for us (2:4-6). We must identify with Christ in His life, death, resurrection, and ascension. We have been raised with Christ. No wonder Paul could lead with such boldness! He lived and led off of this paramount truth.

What must we do to experience the same kind of authority in Christ: Paul gives his answer:

1. Renew your perspective (Col. 3:1-3).

We must think like God thinks. We must see ourselves as He does and fix our minds on Him. We must base our life on this position rather than our experience.

2. Release your past (Gal. 2:20).

We must let go of old patterns. We will never lead in an empowering way if we hold on to our old self, our old baggage, our old citizenship. We must die to the past.

3. Remember your purpose (Eph. 1:3-12).

We drift when we lose sight of why God left us on earth. Our goal is to participate in God's redemptive plan for the world. If we embrace purpose, we gain power.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Law of Empowerment: Influence Flows from Identity (Ephesians:1:15-23)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Paul prays that God will reveal to his readers the riches of their inheritance (hope, calling, glory, and power). Then he reminds them they are Christ's body. Power, influence, and confidence all come from a strong sense of identity. Are you secure in your identity? Does your influence reflect this strength?

The Law of Connection: Empowerment Precedes Imperative (Ephesians: 1:1-14)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Because Paul believes he needs to give before he asks, he reminds us of our choice position to Christ: chosen (Eph:1:4); predestined (1:5); accepted (1:6); redeemed (1:7); informed (1:9); heirs (1:11); and sealed (1:13). He declares what God has done for us before demanding we do anything for Him.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

EPHESIANS: The Whole Panorama of God's Redemptive Work

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible


A leader first casts a vision for the big picture before he calls the people to act.

A leader cannot accomplish any goal without each part of the team contributing to the whole.

The diversity of the body of Christ calls for unity in the midst of variety. Good leaders always do this.

Any good coach wants every player to flourish. This can happen only when tasks match abilities. Players must find their correct positions.

Lessons in Leadership
  • Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand.
  • The primary role of the leader is to equip people to use their gifts.
  • Authority must always accompany responsibility.
  • Leaders raise the bar and call followers to a high standard.
  • Leaders celebrate diversity while they work for unity.
  • Leaders understand that belief precedes behaviour.
  • A person's influence must flow from his or her identity.
  • Leaders avoid living in denial, but define reality.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Accountability: Leaders Need Alarm Bells (Galatians 6:7-10)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

We can't pull a fast one on God. He sees all and cannot be deceived. He notices our shortcuts and also our efforts when we do well. To ensure that we live by this truth, seek others to hold you accountable and act as your "alarm bells." Invite others to ask you tough questions, such as the following:
  1. Is my personal walk with God up-to-date?
  2. Am I keeping my priorities straight?
  3. Am I asking myself the hard questions?
  4. Am I accountable to someone in authority?
  5. Am I sensitive to what God is is saying to the whole body of Christ?
  6. Am I over-concerned with building my image?
  7. Do I put more stock in "events" rather tha "process"?
  8. Am I a loner in my leadership and personal life?
  9. Am I aware and honest about my weaknesses?
  10. Is my calling constantly before me?

Responsibility: If You Won't Carry the Ball, You Can't Lead the Team (Galatians 6:1-6)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Responsibility must start at the top. Leaders are to restore those who've failed, guard against their own sin, help bear others' burdens, and stay humble (Gal. 6:1-3). This attitude should then bleed down through the ranks (6:4-6). Shoulders that bear responsibility leave no room for chips.

Leadership Qualities and the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22,23)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Probably the most memorable verses in this book are those that list the "fruit of the Spirit." Fruit results from planted seeds. When seed grow, they bear fruit. Fruit represents outward, visible behaviour. Every leader should embrace this marvelous list of inward qualities. Evaluate yourself against them:
  1. Love: Is my leadership motivated by love for people?
  2. Joy: Do I exhibit an unshakable joy, regardless of circumstances?
  3. Peace: Do people see my inward peace and take courage?
  4. Longsuffering: Do I wait patiently for results as I develop people or goals?
  5. Kindness: Am I caring and understanding toward everyone I meet?
  6. Goodness: Do I want the best for others and the organization?
  7. Faithfulness: Have I kept my commitments to the mission?
  8. Gentleness: Is my strength under control? Can I be both tough and tender?
  9. Self-Control: Am I disciplined to make progress toward my goals?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Law of Empowerment: Paul Gives Power to Act (Galatians 5:13-15)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

When leaders empower their followers, they give them the freedom to act - and trust that they will do so responsibly. Paul released the Galatians to become all God intended them to be . They felt free and empowered by God's Spirit and Paul's leadership. As a secure leader, Paul freely gave power to others.


Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

The apostle Paul knew that, in his role as a leader of the Galatian Christians, God had called him to navigate the church. But more than that, Paul knew what to navigate his fellow Christians toward.

False teachers were trying to convince the Galatians to rely on their own works for salvation instead of the grace God had poured out on them in the person of Jesus. This Paul could not ignore.

Something within each of us tempts us to believe that we need to add something to God's perfect plan of salvation - to believe that, without our own efforts, we just aren't going to make it into the kingdom of heaven. This remains just as true today as it was in the days of the first-century church.

Paul attempted to correct the errant course the Galatians had chosen by pointing out that no one can add anything to what Jesus already has accomplished on the Cross. No one can do a single thing to make themselves "more acceptable" to God.

To navigate means to make course corrections, to steer toward something. Godly leaders know they are to navigate their people to one thing only: the Lord Jesus Christ who died for their sins on the Cross.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Law of Connection: Paul Illustrates and Invites (Galatians: 3:6-4:31)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

To make plain his teaching on grace, Paul uses stories and allegories. To drive home the truth, he uses an illustration of Abraham (Gal 3:6-29); an Old Testament scripture (3:10-14); an illustration of a son and a slave (4:1-7); and an allegory of Sarah and Hagar (4:21-31). Paul knew just how to connect with his audience. He painted familiar pictures to connect them with unfamiliar truths.

Paul also knew how to connect with a difficult group of people. Although they are living in error and and it might feel tempting to focus on their foolishness (3:1), instead the apostle invites them into the experience of discovery.

Consider the "Ten Commandments of Handling Difficult People":
  1. Use the 101% principle. Find the 1 percent you agree on and give it 100 percent of your attention.
  2. Love people more than policies, but love truth more than people.
  3. Give others the benefit of the doubt.
  4. Learn to be flexible where you can.
  5. Check your own attitude.
  6. Don't overreact to conflict and disagreement.
  7. Welcome the conflict. Make it a learning experience.
  8. Provide an escape for the person in conflict. Let them maintain their dignity.
  9. Take a risk. Give people a second chance.
  10. Take the high road. Be generous and believe the best about others.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Confrontation: Paul Exhibits Integrity with Peter (Galatians 2:11-21)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Paul's integrity drove him to stand up to Peter, his fellow leader, in front of several Jewish and Gentile believers. He criticized Peter's hypocrisy and demanded that all Christian leaders remain consistent, regardless of the company they keep.

Paul teaches us how to critique someone. Consider his checklist:
  1. Check your motive. Your goal should be to help, not humiliate.
  2. Make sure the issue is worthy of criticism. Does it really matter?
  3. Be specific. Don't drop hints, but clearly name the problem.
  4. Don't undermine the person's self-confidence or identity. Make it obvious that you value the person.
  5. Don't compare people. Use realistic standards to measure conduct.
  6. Be creative or don't criticize. Find ways to reach a solution.
  7. Don't attack the person. Critique the problem, not the person.
  8. Do not postpone needed criticism. If the issue is big, act now.
  9. Look at yourself looking at others. Take the log out of your own eye.
  10. End criticism with encouragement. Finish on a positive note.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Law of Solid Ground: How Leaders Gain Trust (Galatians 2:1-10)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

It seems Paul constantly had to defend his leadership with some churches. He felt compelled to proclaim his trustworthiness with the churches in both Corinth and Galatia. He earned their trust by ...
  1. Investing his time in learning from God (v.1).
  2. Associating with a trusted leader (v.1).
  3. Submitting to respected leaders and sharing his journey (v.2).
  4. Asserting that even the leaders didn't correct his team (vv.3,6).
  5. Standing up to those who opposes God's truth (vv.4,5).
  6. Putting no confidence in people's infallibility, but trusting in God (v.6).
  7. Affirming that even the leaders fully endorse him (vv.7,9).
  8. Cooperating with the present leaders and honoring their requests (v.10).

The Law of Influence: Paul Exercises Emotional Authority (Galatians 1:6-10)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Paul challenges the direction of the Galatian church, accusing it of embracing a different gospel. The apostle risks his leadership by exercising his emotional authority. This is the acid test of the Law of Influence. A leader discovers his or her level of influence when he or she must confront an erring group's direction.

Friday, August 10, 2007

GALATIANS: Lessons in Leadership

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Lessons in Leadership
  • Integrity builds trust and trust builds relationships.
  • Leaders know what they'll stand for and won't stand for.
  • Effective leaders aren't afraid to confront when necessary.
  • Spiritual leaders lead from the inside out.

God's Role in Galatians

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

God speaks through Paul and calls the Galatians back to the original gospel. Like the words of an Old Testament prophet, Paul's words cut deep with truth at the very point of his readers' need. People naturally tend to think they must earn God's approval. Something inside of us feels drawn to achieve. We like to merit what we possess, like a trophy.

But God knows the downside of that empty theology. First, no one is good enough to merit heaven. Second, own own labor and leadership grow stronger when we cannot earn it, because grace, not guilt, is our motivation; love, not law, drives us to act. Leaders who lead in an environment of grace always obtain superior results

GALATIANS: How God Saves Mankind - SUMMARY

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Only in the Book of Galatians does Paul fail to affirm anything or anyone as he begins his letter. After a brief salutation, the apostle jumps right in and contends with the erring Galatian believers.

This letter contains the most emphatic statement of salvation apart from the Law to be found in the Scripture. It is the only letter in which Paul develops a lengthy allegory to explain how God saves mankind. It provides us with a tremendous case study of a leader who must lead an erring group of followers back to God's original plan and purpose.

First, it teaches us that leaders worth their salt will confront those who drift from the vision. A drifting team member dilutes the organization, the vision, the momentum, and the resources. Effective leaders always seek to maintain focus on their organization's primary mission. Paul defends both his own leadership and the original mission he declared. He takes a stand. He determines to help the Galatians walk by faith.

Second, healthy leaders motivate rather than manipulate. Paul argues against the idea that people must work to earn their salvation. He wants the Galatians to live free. How much more mercenary it would have been to push them toward a "works theology!" Paul could have benefited from this as the leader who won them to Christ. Instead, he calls them to grace, where they cannot be manipulated by anyone. He has enough integrity to keep a clear conscience and to build trust with others.

Third, we learn that leaders communicate best when they speak the truth in love. Paul addresses these hard issues out of his love for the Galatians. He will not compromise his message, but neither does he burn any relational bridges. No one can question his deep compassion for those he corrects. He never minces words, either in his admonition or his affirmation. As you read through this book, observe how Paul incarnates each of these lessons. Allow him to mentor you.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Law of Victory: Jesus' Resurrection Brings Victory to the Hopeless (Luke 24:50-53)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

What a difference in the behavior of Jesus' disciples before the resurrection and after it! Just before, all they had was an executed Leader. They ran from everyone, hoping to save their own necks. Afterward, they became invincible. Leaders find a way for the team to win - something reflected in the team's morale.

The Law of Reproduction: Jesus Turns His Work Over to His Trainees (Luke 24:46-49)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Last words should always get our attention. Luke 24 records some of Jesus' last words to His disciples. He had trained them for more than three years. Now they were ready to go out as leaders and trainers themselves.

Jesus' work would have failed unless His followers had taken what He gave them and reproduced it in others. After His earthly ministry, Jesus trusted the future of His organization, the church, to former fishermen and tax collectors. Jesus employed at least 12 factors in reproducing His leadership:

1. Vision (Matt. 4:19, John 4:35)
2. Trust (Matt. 10:8)
3. Commitment (Matt. 16:24; John 13:1)
4. Launch (Matt 28:18-20)
5. Proximity (Mark 3:14; Luke 8:1)
6. Responsibility (Mark 6:7)
7. Initiative (Luke 6:12,13)
8. Knowledge (Luke 8:9,10)
9. Evaluation (Luke 10:17-24)
10. Example (John 13:15)
11. Friendship (John 15:15)
12. Power (John 20:22; Acts 1:8)

The Law of Intuition: Jesus Interprets Current Events (Luke 24:13-31)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

As two grieving men conversed about Jesus' crucifixion, they struggled to understand what it all meant. Jesus saw their confusion and could tell they needed someone to guide them. So He joined them and began to explain His resurrection in light of Scripture (Luke 24:27,45). By the end of their time together, it all made sense.

Leaders interpret reality for their people. They see a bigger picture and have a leadership bias. They offer clear perspective to those who need it. They understand current events and how they fit into the overall scheme of things. Remember: Who you are dictates what you see.

Herod: Picture of An Ego-Driven Leader (Luke 23:6-12)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible.

Herod Antipas - ruler of Galilee and Nazareth, where Christ had grown up - eagerly looked forward to seeing Jesus. The king had heard a great deal about Jesus and the miracles He had performed. He had waited a long time to meet this intriguing man.

Finally, with this reputed "miracle worker" standing before him, Herod had a chance to see for himself what Jesus was all about. Herod questioned Jesus at length, challenging Him to perform a miracle - any miracle. All during the interrogation, the religious leaders hurled their accusations at Jesus. A single miracle would have silenced His accusers - but Jesus remained mute. Instead of defending Himself, He allowed this "trial" to move forward.

Herod no doubt felt disappointed that Jesus didn't come through with a miracle, and he and his guards greatly abused Jesus that day. They insulted Him and physically assaulted Him. Then, to directly mock His title. "King of the Jews," they dressed Him in a royal robe and sent Him back to Pilate... and a sure date with a cross of death.

Herod resembled a lot of leaders in Jesus' day: As long as He performed miracles, they were fine with Him. But when He refused, they not only lost interest in Him, but they committed the gravest injustice in history. That's what can happen when any leader habitually focuses on self.

The Law of Sacrifice: Jesus Gave It All Up to Gain It All Back (Luke 23:1-47)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Jesus stayed so committed to His mission that He allowed weaker men to seize Him, arrest Him, and crucify Him. Jesus laid down His life, practicing the Law of Sacrifice. Leaders must give up to go up. Jesus paid the ultimate price because He knew what was coming.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Beautiful Words of Life

Extracted from The Methodist Message

1. ANGER is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind.

2. YOU can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying over the future.

3. LOVE .. and you shall be loved.

4. GOD always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him.

5. ALL people smile in the same language.

6. A HUG is a great gift .. One size fits all. It can be given for any occasion and it's easy to exchange.

7. THE real treasure of a man's wealth is what he has invested in eternity.

8. EVERYTHING has beauty but not everyone sees it.

9. IF YOU fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

10. HAPPY memories never wear out ... Relive them as often as you want.

11. HOME is the place where we grumble the most, but are often treated the best.

12. MAN looks at outward appearance but the Lord looks within.

13. TAKE time to laugh, for it is the music of the soul.

14. IF ANYONE speaks badly of you, live so none will believe it.

15. PATIENCE is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears.

16. LOVE is strengthened by working through conflicts together.

17. HARSH words break no bones but they do break hearts.

18. TO GET out of a difficulty, one usually must go through it.

19. WE TAKE for granted the things that we should be giving thanks for.

20. LOVE is the only thing that can be divided without being diminished.

21. HAPPINESS is enhanced by others but does not depend upon others.

22. YOU are richer today if you have laughed, given or forgiven.

23. FOR every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you can never get back.

24. DO WHAT you can, for whom you can, with what you have, and where you are.

21 QUALITIES: COMMITMENT - Jesus Christ vs. Simon Peter (Luke 22:54-62)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Luke records a start contrast between the commitment of two leaders: Jesus Christ and Simon Peter. While Jesus remained resolutely committed to His cause and His people in the face of betrayal and rejection, Simon Peter ran away. Although the big fisherman claimed he would never deny his Master, he did so three times before the night ended.

While Peter emphatically denied Christ around a little courtyard fire , the moment merely expressed the condition if his heart. His commitment level had already drained away in the Garden of Gethsemane. There he felt helpless, powerless to maintain the promise he had made (Matt. 26:35).

When our commitment drains away, we follow the same progression as Peter:

Stage 1: His following became distant.
"Peter followed at a distance" (Luke 22:54). This is not what Jesus had in mind in Matthew 16:24. Peter is still following Christ, but inconigto. He's no longer ready to die.

Stage 2: His fellowship became divided.
"Peter sat among them" (22:55). Now the guilty disciple is mixing with an uncommitted crowd. He's a man without a country. He's torn between the apathetic and the committed.

Stage 3: His faith became divided.
"But he denied Him saying, "Woman, I do not know Him" (22:57). His words now reveal his weakness, even among men and women who pose no immediate threat to him.

Stage 4: His fervor became denial.
"But Peter said, "Man, I do not know what you are saying!" (22:60). Peter rejects any association with Jesus. His words no longer display apathy, but rejection.

Levels of Commitment

Jesus always related to people at the level of commitment they were ready to make. Note four levels of commitment in Jesus' disciples:

Level One: Come and See
This is the curiosity level (see John 1:35-51). At this stage Jesus' interaction is light and easy. When people are here, look for chemistry and faithfulness.

Level Two: Come and Follow
This is the commitment level (see Luke 5:1-11). Jesus' words now call for some commitment. The person is ready to be challenged. Look for hunger and teachability.

Level Three: Come and Surrender
This is the conviction level (see Mark 8:34,35). This step is appropriate only after deep relationship and mutual trust have developed. Look for initiative and determination.

Level Four: Come and Multiply
This is the commissioned level (see Matt. 28:19,20). Here, Jesus calls his men to reproduce what He
did with them. Look for leadership and people skills.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Leaders and Their Gethsemanes (Luke 22:39-46)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

At times all leaders feel alone, as when they pioneer new territory. Jesus endured one of His loneliest times in the Garden of Gethsemane. Just hours before He would be tried, tortured, and crucified, every one of His team deserted Him. His story in the garden provides us with one of the greatest examples in history of a leader's commitment.

Every leader who does something significant for God experiences a Gethsemane. What can we learn about this lonely season? Gethsemane is the place where ....
  1. spiritual battles occur (vv. 40-44).
  2. loneliness is felt (v. 41).
  3. honesty is expressed (vv. 41,42).
  4. submission is required (v. 42).
  5. strength is received (v. 43).

Servanthood: Judas Fails the Test of Leadership (Luke 22:1-23)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

While Judas had accompanied Jesus for three-and-a-half years, enjoying the mentoring of Christ, he never learned the fundamentals of leadership. Luke 22 records Judas's betrayal of Jesus on the night of the Passover feast. Even though Jesus had served Judas supper, and even washed his feet (John 13:1-7), Judas missed the lesson on servanthood. He joined the others in a discussion on who was the greatest (Luke 22:24), then left to betray Jesus, turning Him over to the Jewish authorities.

That night Judas led the entire team of disciples in failing the test of Jesus' style of leadership: servanthood.

The Law of Intuition: Jesus Discerned the Real Issue Was Surrender (Luke 20:19-26)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

One day the scribes sent spies to trap Jesus, asking about whether it was right to pay taxes to Caesar. They knew that if He said yes, they could label hm a traitor. If He said no, they could report hm to the Roman authorities. They thought they had a perfect plan to silence this radical leader.

In a classic reversal, Jesus turned the tables on them. Because He practiced the Law of Intuition, He was able to see past the facade they had erected. Taxes weren't the issue; surrender was the issue. So Jesus answered their question with a another question. Whose image was on the coin they showed Him? He meant that any object stamped with a person's image belongs to the individual pictured. This coin carried Caesar's image, so they were to surrender that coin to Caesar: On the other hand, God had stamped His image on them! They had been made in His image and should therefore surrender themselves to God.

What a memorable lesson! No wonder they became silent. This intuitive Leader answered their question by quickly getting to the real issue.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Stewardship: Leaders are Brokers of Resources (Luke 19:11-26)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Jesus told a story about a landowner who gave three men some funds to spend, save or invest. Each did as he saw fit, and when the owner returned, he rewarded them according to how wisely they used their resources. Those who multiplied what had been entrusted to them received even more to use. The one who failed had even his little money taken away.

Our Lord wants us to remember that leaders are brokers of the resources they have been given. Those resources may include people, budget, time, wisdom, and talents. When leaders broker those resources well, God rewards them and gives them even more to invest. When they fail, they lose what little they have.

This is a sobering truth, but one that leaders would do well to remember. Do you want more resources? If so, what are you doing with what you already have?

The Law of Influence: Jesus Knew Influence Has a Ripple Effect (Luke 19:1-27)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

During his time with Jesus, Zacchaeus pledged to give half of his possessions to the poor and to repay those he had defrauded four times what he had taken. Immediately afterwards, Jesus declared that good stewards will be rewarded. God rewards good stewardship, multiplying the influence of godly leaders.

Commitment: The Rich Young Ruler Fails the Test (Luke 18:18-23)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

When a rich young man approached Jesus to ask about eternal life, the Lord gave him a radical imperative: Sell all you possess and give it to the poor; then come and follow Me.

Jesus didn't say this to everyone. In fact, He said it only to His disciples. He knew this man needed the challenge, even though he refused to accept it. Only greed held him back from freedom. Even though he claimed to obey all the commands, he miserably failed at the first one: "You shall have no other gods before Me" (Ex. 20:3).

Jesus went straight to the central issue, preventing him from making a commitment he needed desperately to make. The man walked away, full of sadness. He clung to what he had instead of committing to what he could obtain.


Matthew 19:23 says, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Lessons from a Lousy Leader (Luke 16:1-13)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Jesus' story of an unrighteous manager teaches us lessons about shrewd business and a few subtle truths about leadership. This lousy leader ...
  1. Violated rule number one: Leadership is not to be used for personal benefit (v.1). He forgot that leadership is about giving, not getting. Leaders lose the right to be selfish.
  2. Learned that a leader cannot hide his heart (vv.1,2). Leadership rises or falls to the level of the leader's integrity. Leaders are vulnerable.
  3. Was proactive in facing problems (v.3). He surmised how he could address the problem. Good leaders aren't afraid to face reality.
  4. He understood the value of relationships (v.4). He utilized the relationships he had developed already. He received a return on his investment.
  5. Understood the nature of his influence (vv. 4,5). Since leadership is influence, leaders know with whom they have influence - and they go there.
  6. Learned the keys to motivating others (vv. 5-7). Everyone is motivated in different ways. He found ways to make friends and get results.
  7. Reminds us of the value of godly leadership (vv. 8-10). In the end, his master praised his shrewdness; but Jesus has a deeper lesson for us.

The Law of Priorities: Jesus Focused On the Lost (Luke 15:1-32)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Luke 15 is often called the "lost" chapter." In this passage, Jesus talks about the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. The sheep got lost naturally; the coin got lost accidentally; and the son got lost willfully. In every case, someone went out to look for what got lost (Luke 15:4,8,20).

Jesus attempted to underscore God's passion to seek and save the lost. He would not be diverted from this paramount activity. Jesus believed He needed to underscore this priority because the scribes and Pharisees grumbled about how much time He spent with tax collectors and sinners. Instead of retreating and appeasing the wishes of the religious leaders, He reminded everyone of priority one. Jesus communicated His top priorities using these tools:
  1. Narrative: He told memorable stories illustrating His priorities.
  2. Repetition: He repeated three accounts that all underscored the priority.
  3. Familiarity: He spoke about familiar people and situations.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

21 QUALITIES: COMPETENCE - A Necessary Step on the Road to Excellence (Luke 14:28-32)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Labeling someone competent or incompetent may seem judgmental and narrow, yet all leaders must possess a level of competence that enables them to get the job done. The kingdom of God cannot do without competence.

Everyone knows that leaders must demonstrate a level of competence in order to gain the trust and respect of followers. No one chooses to follow an incompetent leader over a competent one, regardless of personality. Friendship is not synonymous with leadership; people can like you as a friend but not follow you as a leader. To the degree they feel you are incompetent to lead, they will distance themselves from your leadership.

Competence goes beyond words. It's the leader's ability to say it, plan it, and do it in such a way that others know you know your business - and know that they want to follow you. Competence must be sought at every organisational level. Incompetence can be tolerated nowhere. John Gardner once wrote, "The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes not its theories will hold water."

Jesus highlights the issues of competence in the two stories recounted in Luke 14. In both stories what is missing is competence. The builder and the king in these stories lacked what it took to get the job done. Therefore the tower never got built and the war never was won. According to Jesus, competence requires three ingredients:
  1. Commitment: Jesus said our commitment to Him must look like disdain for everyone else. We must pick up our cross and follow Him.
  2. Resources: Jesus spoke about a builder calculating whether he had enough to finish a tower. determine whether your resources, gifts, talents, and abilities are able to do the job.
  3. Intelligence: Jesus spoke about a king seeking counsel to know whether he should go to battle. Part of competence is the insight to know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.

The combination of these three components spells not only competence, but excellence. It's what makes people follow a leader. So - in what area are you most competent? Where do you excel? What makes others follow you?

The Law of Navigation: Count the Cost, Then Determine The Direction (Luke14:28-32)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

In two small but wonderful parables, Jesus speaks about planning and preparation. He teaches listeners to count the cost before taking action, applauds evaluation before taking action, and encourages damage prevention through preparation and negotiation. To calculate in this way is not a lack of faith, but foresight based on insight and hindsight.

Commitment: Thes Best Leaders Vote with Their Lives (Luke 14:46,47)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Jesus gave Himself wholly to His cause and to His men. Consequently, He could ask them to do the same. When leaders vote with their lives, their followers gain all kinds of security. Jesus' call for commitment both screened the uncommitted and attracted the committed.

Friday, August 3, 2007

The Law of Navigation: Jesus Helps Listeners Interpret the Times (Luke 12:35-59)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Like all good leaders, Jesus left His followers with a plan for the future and gave them some key tools, including:
  1. Lenses: He modeled the right attitude to approach the future.
  2. A road map: He warned them about rough roads ahead.
  3. A barometer: He helped them interpret future conditions.

The Law of Navigation: Jesus Charts the Course for His Disciples (Luke 12:1-59)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Jesus provided good instruction for His disciples on issues such as integrity, anxiety, convictions, problem solving, greed, jealousy, priorities, and trusting God. Why these topics? Because Jesus intended to navigate life for His followers, to teach them how to live successfully.

If we were to condense the Lord's perspective on success in life, we might say that success involves:
  • Decisions: We must know the truth and accept it.
  • Servanthood: We must find a need and fill it.
  • Determination: We must face a challenge and meet it.
  • Sacrifice: We must lose our life to find it.
  • Preparation: We must develop a plan and follow it.
  • Action: We must discover God's will and obey it.
  • A gift: We must find our talent and share it.
  • Durability: We must be tenacious and finish well.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

My Last Boss before I Became a Retiree

I thank God for every blessing that He provides, for every person that comes along my way, and for the relationship I have with each person, whether he/she is very close to or at a distance from me.

My ex-boss is a kind and also a generous person. He takes the lead when paying for meals. He talks gently to his staff. He tries to build teamwork. However, people take all his goodness for granted just because he is kind or good. People always say kindness (or softness) can be a weakness. How true, in the eyes of those who take advantage of such actions!

My ex-boss does have some weaknesses. Sometimes, he is like Martha. He is not very organized in the work he wants to get done. He has his fears too (who doesn't!). He is forgiving too, is not harsh, maybe not firm.

But this does not mean, one should take advantage of his goodness and used his "weaknesses" as an excuse for not honoring him for the appointment he holds. This, I cannot understand. Maybe, I have similar aspects of him. But we should be thankful that we can at least taste his goodness.

May God continue to bless and guide him even when I am not around
(PS: He used to depend very much on me, even when he has to make important decisions.)

Jesus Teaches Paternal Leadership and the Priority of Prayer (Luke 11:1-13)

Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Jesus answered his disciples' request for instruction on prayer by giving them a model we call "the Lords Prayer". In it, Jesus refers to God as "Father". On the heels of that prayer, He teaches about paternal leadership (Luke 11:5-13).

The wonderful father image suggests the strength and respect of a leader as well as the love and concern of a leader. Consider the ingredients of a healthy paternal leader in the home:

1. His pattern for the family
He is to set an example for everyone else, to be a model.

2. His provision for the family
He is to provide for others, insuring they have the resources they need.

3. His protection for the family
He is to keep them from harm's way and make sure they are safe and secure.

4. His prayer for the family
He is to pray for them to reach their potential and become all God intends them to be.


A father is always a role model at home, provides, protects and prays for the family - a must for every day, even when a child is finally married and have their own children.

Our Father in heaven cares of us till the day we see Him in heaven. Praise God for His everlasting love.