Sunday, July 1, 2007

God Does Speak in Message for July 1 Sunday of Our Daily Bread : Whitewater Experiences 1 Chronicles 28:9-20

Extracted from Our Daily Bread

I was enjoying the start of my first whitewater rafting experience - until I heard the roar of the rapids up ahead. My emotions were flooded with feelings of uncertainty, fear, and insecurity at he same time. Riding through the whitewater was a first-rate, white-knuckle experience! And then, suddenly, it was over. The guide in the back of the raft had navigated us through. I was safe - at least until the next set of rapids.

Transitions in our lives are like whitewater. The inevitable leaps from one season of life to the next - college to career, singleness to marriage, career to retirement, marriage to widowhood - are all marked by uncertainty and insecurity.

In one fo the most significant transitions recorded in Old Testament history, Solomon assumed the throne from his father David. I'm sure he was filled with "white-knuckle" uncertainty about the future. His father's advice? "Be strong and of good courage, and do it: .... for the LORD God - my God - will be with you" (1 Chron. 28:20).

You'll have your fair share of tough transitions in life. But with God in your raft you're not alone. Keep your eyes on the One who is navigating the rapids. He's taken lots of others through before. Smooth waters are just ahead. - Joe Stowell

I am safe when danger threatens,
For I'm trusting Christ the Lord;
Since He promised He'll be with me,
Though I fear, my faith's restored - Hess

God will guide you through the rapids of change.


I started hearing God more and clearly when I had my first crying spell. One elder chuch sister, Eileen Goh, wife of Tony Goh, discerned then and told Iynee and myself that I was very sensitive to God and my response to Him is by crying - to many people, I must have many, many serious problems in my life. Yes, even my Pastor visited my home to "double-check" then - at least I can claimed having this privilege of Pastor visiting me at his request. I am one person who always look at the brighter side of things (though like many human beings, I also have my fears, and I hope my greatest fear will be my fear of God, more than anything else). My "Ernest Shackleton" course profile showed that I am a realistic optimist, probably due to my strong faith, one of my spiritual gifts from God.

And God usually point to what He wanted to say by some words, in the songs I heard in church, at home, etc. or in the Bible. I would usually cry at that point. Then, I did not really know how God usually speaks to a person and in what ways, so I instinctively search through books and chapters of the Bible. I believed many fellow brothers and sisters will also ask how do we know God is speaking to us or how do we hear Him. It would be good if TPMC holds a course on "How to Hear God". Then, our spiritual lives "will soar like an eagle".

Today's Bible passage and reading is so timely for TPMC and myself respectively. I always felt that God has His own perfect timing to tell me many things (since the memorable year of 2003). Guess what, today I AM OFFICIALLY RETIRED, though I would always say that I am semi-retired since I can now move on to do what I like in my life and for which I believed will be my next passion and also a ministry to others.

The Bible passage today seemd to speak to TPMC, especially to our Redevelopment Committee, leaders and members who have the talents, gifts, etc to play a role in rebuilding our church premises. Take heart, God is with you all the way and I believed that all you faithful ones will be blessed as He has pomised. Take note of the highlighted portions in my earlier posting on 1 Chronicles 28.

As for me, God has assured me that in my transition from career to retirement, He will be with me. It is thus very important to have faith and better still, faith, hope and love.

Glory be to God who is faithful to all those who are faithful to Him. Alleluia! Praise the Lord.

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