Extracted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible
Lessons in Leadership
- Effective leadership requires no worldly credentials.
- Leaders who are change agents always transform the traditional paradigm.
- Healthy leaders are first servants.
- Effective leaders balance the need for solitude and socializing.
- Good leaders provide security and confidence for their followers.
- The greater the leader, the greater the humility and sacrifice required.
- Principles serve effective leaders so leaders can effectively serve the people.
My Thoughts:
It is important to break away from the busyness of each day to spend some time with God and to hear Him. The best times are usually periods of complete quietness around us. I find early mornings, late evenings, etc. very good times to ponder and reflect. Being one who thinks and plans a lot, I also find long early morning walks a very useful way of exercising and a time when I can also ponder, reflect, think and plan, a time to draw some inspiration too . For this I thank my wife, Iynee who is exceptionally disciplined with her daily early morning exercises, 7 days a week, and with her healthy diet. This I say from all honesty and from the bottom of my heart. My daughters always tell me to appreciate her physique which I do. I should learn to praise her more on this aspect. I do often feel proud sharing her "lifestyle" with my colleagues and close friends since I myself cannot even be half a good as she is. She is still at it after more than 17 years. I really cannot imagine how Iynee can be so disciplined. Most people do admire this strength of hers.
In the early days, when my children were in Singapore, I used to feel irritated with her for waking up very early before sunrise and affecting my sleep. But now, I sometimes wake up earlier than her. I remembered that whenever God "called" me, it would usually be about 4.00am. I would search the Bible very intensely and I would cry when the Word "hit" home. That is what solitude means. Resting in God, hearing Him and be also comforted and be confident with oneself especially with Him at our side. Even Jesus has to withdraw from his very intense work and ministering to the people, to find rest and to hear from God. Likewise we should do it, so that we can "re-charge" and continue with whatever ministries we are called to after being ministered to by God.
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